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Phase angle in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2021-02-15Updated:2021-02-15
Similar words: obtuse angleright-angled trianglesingle phasesingle-phaserake anglewide-angleacute angleoblique angleMeaning: n. a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle. 
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1. The presented phase angle PWM method is centering attention on motor stator voltage space vector and controls the vector angle to vary linearly and so reduces higher harmonics in voltage wave.
2. Closed phase angle has important effect on the dynamic behavior of AC contactors contact bounce, especially.
3. Closed phase angle has important effect on the dynamic behavior of AC contactors including contact bounce, especially.
4. The augment of the phase angle will also promote vacuum arc to go diffuse.
5. A special constant phase angle element (CPE) exists in the equivalent circuit of the impedance when there exists ASR.
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6. It has a magnitude as well as phase angle. It is a complex quantity.
7. In a Stirling refrigerator, this phase angle is provided by the relative movement of the piston and the displacer.
8. By observing the variations of the phase angle and the impendence plane diagram, the influence of different defects and factors are evidently presented.
9. Each phase angle positive or negative, is referenced to the horizontal.
10. Transient angle instability makes the phase angle differences or power flows in vulnerable cutset branches increased, and yet emergency power control can restrain such increase.
11. Each phase angle, whether positive or negative, is referenced to the horizontal.
12. In the grid voltage recovering period, phase angle compensation control is used.
13. An algorithm based on the magnitude and phase angle of the generalized phasor to measure instantaneous frequency and swing frequency while the power swing occurred is presented.
14. So, while adjusting the synchronous adjustment of the phase angle, it should be selected at the sensitive position of dial gauge.
15. The counter's outputs are binary numbers representing 16 equidistant, cyclically generated carrier phase angles.
16. This paper compares the Kalman filtering algorithm with one-cycle Fourier algorithm in the aspects of aperiodic component, frequency deviation, fractional harmonic and initial phase angle.
17. Then discuss the rotor position error caused by armature reaction, calculate the phase angle, and brought forward the compensation measures.
18. Site test proves that this design meets the demand of phase angle measuring system for real-time data processing.
19. By using the voltage modulated electroluminescence (VMEL) device, we tested the relative luminous intensity and the phase angle of light of LEDs and explained the experimental results qualitatively.
20. The energy depends on the unit-operating capacity of system, length of lino and the phase angle difference of sources both sides of the closing resister.
21. This paper introduces a kind of pulse tube regenerator, which can recover part of the lost acoustic power, and then analyzes it in two aspects:acoustic power recovery and phase angle adjustment.
22. It can delicer leading current with the current exchange in coupling reactor and the controlling of the switch on off phase angle in order to compensate lagging reactive power.
23. DSMT4 function can be presented either by the single Nyquist diagram( a polar plot) or by plots of the amplitude ratio and the phase angle against the input(forcing) frequency.
24. GPS-based phasor measurement unit (PMU) can measure the voltage phasor directly, including the effective value and phase angle.
25. Finally, this paper analyzes the influence to the current value after operations led by the variations of bus node voltage phase angle difference and amplitude difference.
26. And it can be proved that under the condition of complete alternation sampling, this new method can realize the accurate extraction of the phase angle of fundamental wave.
27. The paper introduces the space voltage vector PWM method for three level inverter to generate PWM pulse on the basis of amplitude and phase angle of reference vector.
More similar words: obtuse angleright-angled trianglesingle phasesingle-phaserake anglewide-angleacute angleoblique anglewide-angle lensangleaseanangledAnglesmangleanglertanglewanglebanglejangledanglewranglemangleddanglerlangleytangledspanglestrangleentanglewrangleruntangle
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